By now, you have already set up a business website. You are tweeting about anything and everything that comes to mind. You talk about the new inventory you have on your lot, the service specials your dealership is offering, the weather and even about your cat. After all this is said and done, you still have a handful of followers and hardly any interaction with them.
Based on research information hosted on the MIT website you may not be maximizing your potential. About 1400 users provided their ratings for 43000 tweets. The results of their findings were interesting to say the least.
The results were as under:
· 36 % - worth reading
· 29 % - not worth reading
39 % - were OK
This means, the users on Twitter are open to tweets that are not directly related to them. It also means they would read tweets about inventory and your dealership even if they are not actively in the market to buy a new or used car.
Like any other mode of communication, replying to a question someone posted on Twitter or posting humorous messages or pictures create the most interest. They also gain the most attention when reading through the message. And if you post something valuable, they (your followers) would also retweet(share it with their friends) it and in turn create a bigger following. Now, if you are really lucky, you may just hit a user that retweets it to their million followers. The result would be a mass of their followers now becoming you fans as well.
There are updates that we like to see on our twitter feed, and there are updates, that like everyone else, we could care less about. A classic example of such useless, counterproductive updates is the “Good Morning” status updates or the “I am getting a haircut” updates. Not only do the Twitter users not like them, the hate them. These kinds of updates are an absolute no-no.
In general, if you follow the guidelines as under, you should be in good shape.
· Provide background to the tweet, not just a confusing one line update that no one has a clue about
· Don’t post links to news that the world already knows about, provide your point of view on the subject
· Don’t over hash-tag or mention people. Talk about the subject, instead of trying to make it into a keyword soup.
· You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. So, along the same lines, humor and positive sentiments will attract more readers than pessimistic or negative comments. This ofcourse does not apply when talking about topics that require a FOR-AGAINST stand.
If you would like to use our automated twitter solution for inventory feeds, check out our product offering information at