Simple Dealer Website

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A quick and easy way to manage specials on your website.
Google, the most widely used search engine updated their algorithm to where submitting your website to directories blindly may do you more harm than good. 

In this article we list the top 10 directories we believe will help your business.
On Feb 26th Google announced that starting April 21 st   all websites that are not mobile-friendly will be ranked lower than websites that are mobile friendly.

Your website  may  lose its ranking on April 21 st .

Continue reading to learn more about this change and how it may affect your dealership's website
To avoid duplicate content penalty, we automatically redirect your root domain name to your domain name.

You will have to update two DNS records for your dealership's DNS
1) The root level A record. (ex:
2) The www A record (ex:

Dealerships not currently using the DCS solution may have received an email from Google suggesting that the fix their website.

Google's Search Engine will now rank websites that support responsive design higher than sites that do not support responsive design.

If you received a notice in your google webmaster tools, read this article on how to fix this issue.
Share this is a free plug-in that allows you to add widgets to your website that visitors can easily share with their friends and family.
Our step by step guide makes it easy for you to add this to your site.
Please follow the steps in the guide.
Adding advanced tracking to your used car dealer website is quick and easy.
Please read through the details for a step by step guide to setting up google analytics for your dealership.
When your first sign up for your used car dealer website , the hours of operation are not filled in.
In order to do that you need to log in to your account and update your business profile.

The video below walks you through the process of doing so.


We do try to keep information on our site up to date, however there are times when the information on our site may not accurately reflect the current status of things. In case you have any questions or are not sure if the information on the site is accurate, please contact us to verify by email or by using the contact form. We will try to reply ASAP.